Payment changes (SCA): help us make sure your deliveries stay on track

Banks are introducing new measures to make your online payments more secure. It means that from 14 September 2019, you might be asked for extra details when paying for things online – and that includes your food. 

You may need to confirm your payment details

When we bill you for an upcoming delivery, your bank might ask us to confirm the payment with you. It’s your bank’s decision, so we won’t know in advance whether you’ll need to do this. 

Here’s what happens if your bank does ask us to confirm payment details when we bill you for an upcoming delivery: 

  1. We’ll send you an email and a text immediately, to let you know
  2. Click the link in the email or text, which will take you to your account
  3. From there, you’ll be able to authenticate the payment
  4. We’ll pack your box and send it to you

Your delivery will be on hold until you’ve confirmed your payment details – so we’ll do everything we can to contact you, and get it sorted quickly. For that, it’d be helpful for us to have your phone number too.   

To do now: make sure we have your phone number

Make sure the phone number on your account is correct, so we can contact you if we need to.

Check we have your phone number

Your bank or card issuer will also need your mobile phone number – so it’s a good idea to check they have the right details too. If you have any other questions, get in touch with your bank or card issuer. 

1 thought on “Payment changes (SCA): help us make sure your deliveries stay on track”

  1. My wee black & tan dachund called Lacey loves her new food so far an hope it keeps up she takes 1 j9 scoop an a carton of wet food I changed new payment date to 28th December than yours


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