Why is my dog drinking so much water? 

As a pet owner, you may have noticed your dog drinking more water than usual and wondered if it’s something to be concerned about. While dogs, like humans, need water to stay hydrated and healthy, excessive drinking can sometimes indicate an underlying issue. In this blog post, we’ll explore why your dog might be drinking … Read more

Why does my dog lick their paws?

Dog sleeping on sofa out of focus in the background, close up of paw

Most dog owners have watched their pup indulging in a spot of paw licking from time to time. For others, paw licking is a more persistent pattern, and can even become a serious health problem. But why do dogs do this? Is it normal, or could it be a cause for concern? In this blog … Read more

Everything you need to know about dog tear stains

Cream Cavapoo standing on pavement with blue lead attached to collar, looking up into the camera

If you’ve ever noticed reddish brown streaks or stains under your dog’s eyes, you might be worrying about tear stains. Well don’t worry, because in this blog post, we’ll share everything you need to know about dog tear stains – what they are, what causes them, and most importantly, how you can help your pup … Read more

Dogs in season: what to expect and how to help

Black Cesky Terrier sitting on grass in a garden looking up at camera, wearing pink and blue collar

As a vet I often get worried pet owners asking about their dog in heat, also known as being in season, usually when it first happens in a young female dog. Whether you’re a first-time dog owner or a seasoned pro, dealing with your dog’s first season can be an interesting and sometimes overwhelming experience! … Read more

What is phantom pregnancy in dogs?

Wire Haired Dachshund asleep on floor cuddling teddy

Dr Sean McCormack is Head Vet at tails.com, having previously worked in clinical practice primarily treating dogs and cats. Alongside bringing his breadth of canine knowledge to our product range, he shares insights on your vet-related questions – this time, it’s phantom pregnancy in dogs. It’s always a worrying time when our dogs don’t quite … Read more

What’s the best flea treatment for dogs?

There’s one question we see popping up time and again – what’s the best flea treatment for dogs? 

We get it – nobody wants to face a flea infestation! So in this blog, we’re sharing top prevention tips to keep these pesky critters off your dog and out of your home.

How many teeth do dogs have?

how many teeth do dogs have

There’s nothing quite like the sight of a dog yawning. The flatting of the ears, the tightly shut eyes, and then the mouth opens to its full and impressive size before chomping back shut, and all returning to normal. When that mouth is open though, we get to see a dog’s set of teeth and … Read more

Categories Vet

Grain-free dog food: is it breaking our dogs’ hearts?

In recent years, some vets in America have suggested there could be a link between dogs developing heart disease, and grain-free diets. The FDA (Food & Drug Association) first highlighted this potential link back in 2018, with further studies ongoing. If you’re worried about your dog’s health – or just want to find out more … Read more

How To Choose A Responsible Breeder

why does my dog hump things

You’ve set your heart on a new puppy. It’s a very exciting time! But before you take the leap, let’s talk a bit about whether your puppy is right for you – and how to choose a responsible breeder. Puppies are brilliant, gorgeous and need a lot of attention. They grow pretty fast and demand … Read more