Walking The Dog

Getting out for a walk with your dog is one of the benefits of dog ownership but sometimes in the dark, cold and wet winter months, it doesn’t always feel like one! A study in Scotland last year (where it doesn’t get much colder, wetter or darker in winter) found that dog owners were 12% … Read more

The different types and purposes of collars on dogs

Some dogs hate wearing collars and will make your life difficult as you try to put it on them but wearing a collar with the name and address of their owner is obligatory in public places in the UK and even if your dog wears a harness the collar needs to be worn as well. … Read more

Breed Post: Airedale Terrier

For this month’s breed post we have the Airedale Terrier. Often referred to as the ‘King Of Terriers’, the Airedale is the largest of the terrier breeds. Originating from the valley of the river Aire in Yorkshire, the Airedale was bred from a Welsh terrier and an Otterhound. The idea was to create a dog … Read more

Tails.com TV Ad

We’re very proud that our first TV ad launched today, the stars of the show are some of our very own loveable canine customers, and we think you’ll agree they did a great job.   [wpvideo Z2zAdKSe]

Is sugar beet bad for my dog?

Sugar beet because of its name is often thought of as having a lot of sugar but in fact the ingredient used in our blends is actually very low in sugar as it is produced after the sugar extraction process. This leaves a high quality fibre source that contains both soluble and insoluble fibre. Soluble … Read more

10 ways to keep your dog healthy and happy over Christmas

1. Dust off those walking boots. Walks are good for dogs’ mental and physical health, they want to know their local environment and who lives where as much as they like to explore, chase and have fun with you.  Plan some longer walks with other friends with dogs, getting out in the countryside or parks … Read more

Tips for senior dogs

Old age can creep up with dogs and it can be easy to miss the little signs and changes in behaviour that show their maturity. Some seniors won’t show their age at all on the outside but most will gain distinguished silver coats and muzzles as they get older. Senior dogs are generally easier to … Read more

Recipe: Carrot & Peanut Christmas Trees

It wouldn’t be Christmas without a vast array of home baked cookies and desserts being passed around whilst you watch your favourite festive movie on TV. You can imagine the extra twitching of canine noses even more than usual, in case there may be some stray cookie crumbs to nibble. If you enjoy baking and … Read more

My dog always seems hungry, does he need a different food or is there anything you can suggest to help him?

Hungry Terrier Cross sniffs treat in outstretched hand

Is your dog always hungry? Constant hunger can be difficult to manage, with some pups being hungry even when they don’t need more food. Certain breeds; Pugs, Labradors, Beagles and Dachshunds are well known for their large appetites. Given the opportunity they’d eat all day! Tips if your dog is always hungry There can be … Read more