Do dogs get jealous?

do dogs get jealous

Green is not a natural colour when it comes to dogs. We may have Black Labs, Red Setters, Golden Retrievers and even Greyhounds, but there isn’t anything green. In fact, there’s only a single species of mammal that is naturally green in colour – a type of sloth who moves so slowly that moss grows … Read more

Pancreatitis in dogs

what is dog pancreatitis

As dog owners, our priority is keeping our pets happy and healthy. So when they become unwell, it can be really worrying. Pancreatitis is something that a lot of dogs might suffer from, and whether the symptoms are mild or severe, it’s often something that you’ll need to get vet support to help with. Remember, … Read more

Why do dogs sigh?

olive lies in the garden looking content

Picture the scene – you’re staring out of your window at a world full of opportunity that has been sunny and bright all week, but now it’s bathed in dark clouds and rain. The temperature has dropped, and despite wanting to take your dog for a big hike all week, it appears the moment has … Read more

Do dogs dream?

do dogs dream?

Many a dog owner has witnessed it. On a quiet evening, after our four-legged friends have exhausted themselves, they’ll flop down to sleep. But at some point, they might start growling softly, or making a running motion with their legs. Are they chasing rabbits in their sleep? Or are giant rabbits chasing them? These questions … Read more

Why do my dog’s ears go down?

Blue the Lurcher in a jumper

When it comes to expressions and facial body-language cues, dogs can often be more expressive than us humans. Even though we humans have a wider range of emotions, a dog’s big eyes, wide mouth and long ears seem to convey more somehow. But what does it mean when a dog’s ears go flat back down … Read more

How to feed a retired Greyhound


So you’ve decided to welcome a Greyhound into your home – congratulations! Despite their incredible speed on the track, once retired these lean racing machines are actually soppy couch potatoes, perfectly content with an hour’s walk each day followed up by lots of cuddles on the sofa. Now it’s time to think about their diet. … Read more

Milkshake Hearts

milkshake hearts

As the old adage goes, my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard – and that’s exactly what this super sweet Valentine’s recipe is sure to do. Just replace boys with dogs. Or not, it’s entirely up to you! We’ve combined dairy free milk with strawberries and a little water to create these beautiful … Read more

How many teeth do dogs have?

how many teeth do dogs have

There’s nothing quite like the sight of a dog yawning. The flatting of the ears, the tightly shut eyes, and then the mouth opens to its full and impressive size before chomping back shut, and all returning to normal. When that mouth is open though, we get to see a dog’s set of teeth and … Read more

Categories Vet

Top 5 Famous Cartoon Dogs


It’s not just real dogs that we like at While an in-the-flesh pooch is our favourite, there’s a great deal to be said for cartoon canines and there are so many to choose from. From Huckleberry Hound’s polite and gentle humour, to the antics of Santa’s Little Helper on the Simpsons, there are a … Read more

Why do Huskies howl so much?

If there was ever a dog that liked to talk, it’s the Husky. In fact, not only do they like talking, but they’re quite fond of a good sing-song too. In today’s blog post, we’re going to answer the following question; Why do Huskies howl (and talk) so much? Wolf-a-likes Youtube and Tiktok are filled … Read more