How to travel on public transport with your dog

Dog lying down on quiet train, looking up at camera, corner of red train seat visible top right

Exploring new sights and smells is something many dogs thrive on. Being able to leave the car behind can have its advantages, especially if you don’t drive or live in a larger city. So… how to travel on public transport with your dog? Now that’s the question! Here’s our full guide to car-free travel with … Read more

How do dogs know their names?

can dogs see in the dark

When you call your faithful companion to your side, they will often run up to you, tail wagging and eyes alert (unless their’s something really interesting like a ball, or another dog or something else that has them engrossed). Because of this, we can deduce that dogs know their names, but how do they work … Read more

Should you use a dog whistle?

dog whistle

Many people wonder if it’s safe and sensible to use one on their own dogs, and in this blog post, we’re going to talk you through the dos and don’ts of dog whistles. Let’s find out more. Did you hear that? We all know that dog’s have an amazing sense of smell but their hearing … Read more

Why do dogs break their toilet training?

Housetraining can be a challenging part of training a new puppy, but with plenty of reward and effort on our part we can achieve good results relatively quickly in most cases. However, sometimes adult dogs who we assume to be completely housetrained will suddenly surprise us by urinating indoors in the most surprising of circumstances. … Read more

When does my dog have to be on a lead?

In the UK, there are certain situations where our legislation dictates that dogs must be kept on leads. For instance, it is an offence if your dog is not kept on a lead when directed to do so by an authorised officer, so you should always have a lead handy if you are out and … Read more

Walking The Dog

Getting out for a walk with your dog is one of the benefits of dog ownership but sometimes in the dark, cold and wet winter months, it doesn’t always feel like one! A study in Scotland last year (where it doesn’t get much colder, wetter or darker in winter) found that dog owners were 12% … Read more