Why does my dog rub on the carpet?

do dogs get jealous

No-one likes to see their pet pooch in any sort of discomfort so if they start rubbing themselves against the carpet, it’s only natural to be a little concerned. In this short blog post, and in the accompanying video, we’ll run through some of the reasons why your dog might be rubbing themselves on your … Read more

Behaviourist advice: resource guarding

resource guarding

Carolyn Menteith is a behaviourist at tails.com with over 25 years of experience working with and training dogs. Maybe one of the most misunderstood of all behaviour problems is resource guarding. People are not sure what it is, why is happens, and are somehow offended when it does! Resource guarding most usually occurs over food, … Read more

Why does my dog roll in fox poo?

why does my dog roll in fox poo

While the fox and hound might make for a great pub name, there is a less pleasant combination of these two canine creatures. If your dog has ever taken the time roll around in a particularly pungent pile of fox droppings, you’ll know it do be a rather unpleasant thing. But why do they do … Read more

Why does my dog prefer the floor to their bed?

why does my dog prefer the floor to their bed

It’s typical isn’t it? We spend hours shopping for the perfect bed for our faithful companions, spend hard-earned money on it, carry it home and then the dog prefers to sleep on the floor. Well, there are a few reasons why your dog may prefer a spot on the floor to their bed and in … Read more

For better or woof

dog-friendly wedding advice

Resident tails.com behaviourist – and wedding celebrant (!) – Carolyn Menteith gives her advice on throwing a dog-friendly wedding. After a year of weddings being postponed, cancelled or being massively downsized, couples can finally start planning again to make sure they have the wedding of their dreams. Once again, the whole family can be involved … Read more

Should you walk your dog on a collar or a harness?

collar or harness?

We asked behaviourist and dog trainer Carolyn Menteith to share her thoughts on whether you should attach a dog’s lead to their collar – or to a harness. When you live with a dog, a key part of every single day will be your exercise time. Putting on your dog’s lead, getting out and spending … Read more

All about: your dog’s prey drive

do dogs have belly buttons

Your dog’s prey drive is part of many breeds’ natural instincts. We asked resident tails.com behaviourist, Carolyn Menteith, to explain where our dog’s prey drive comes from – and what to do if it becomes an issue. Back in the mists of time, the ancestors of our domestic dogs were wild animals. The dog and … Read more

Why does my dog hump things?

why does my dog hump things

If your dog gets a little bit too friendly with the sofa cushions – or even worse, your guests’ legs – it can really make you cringe. The good (sort of) news is, it’s totally normal and natural dog behaviour. Frustration expressed It’s the most obvious cause of this behaviour when you think about it. … Read more