My new puppy won’t stop barking!

Puppy barking

Yap yap yap – a barking puppy can be very frustrating, especially when they just won’t stop! Thankfully, you don’t have to resign yourself to a lifetime of barking dogs and interruptions when you’re watching the telly/greeting the postman/having visitors around. We’ve got some handy tips and tricks that will help you get that loudmouth … Read more

Meet: The Pomeranian

For this month’s breed post we have the small and lovable Pomeranian. Nicknamed ‘the little dog who thinks he can’, this dog may be compact but don’t be fooled, he has a huge personality and lust for life. The Pomeranian is the smallest member of the Spitz family, the largest being the German Spitz. Before … Read more

Dogs and Wildlife

We’ve probably all seen the video of London Labrador Fenton chasing deer in Richmond Park, but if you haven’t, here he is with his panicked owner hot on his heels: Although many found the video amusing, there is a more serious issue to consider. We don’t know how Fenton’s epic deer chase ended, but … Read more

How do I know if my dog has diabetes?

Whilst diabetes is not as common in dogs as it is in humans, it’s estimated that around 1 in 200 dogs will develop diabetes as they get older. Diabetes does need to be confirmed by a vet, who will do definitive blood and urine tests to diagnose it but in most cases there are some … Read more

Myth Buster: Give the dog a bone?

At we often get asked whether it is safe or beneficial to feed bones to dogs. These are two separate questions. The simple answer to whether feeding bones is safe is no, as there can be many complications and dangers when feeding both raw and cooked bones:       Raw bones can spoil and carry harmful … Read more

Recipe: Bandit’s Wheat Free Apple Crunchies

Being dog owners ourselves, we know how difficult it can be when your dog suffers from an intolerance to certain ingredients. If you do happen to have a dog that would prefer not to have wheat, this would be a great recipe for you to try out at home. The main ingredient of this recipe … Read more

Mental & physical exercise for your dog

The importance of regular exercise for your dog can’t be underestimated, and it’s great for us too. Exercising not only provides the opportunity for physical activity, increasing fitness and overall health but is also a fantastic way to provide mental stimulation. This is crucial for all dogs and often overlooked. It makes for a far … Read more

Coping with arthritis

Finding out your best friend has arthritis and is getting older and slower can be upsetting, but our friends at Bach Canine Rehab have kindly written some suggestions to help support your dog, and ensure they are kept as happy and comfortable as possible. Speak to your vet regarding suitable pain relief and any supplements … Read more

Why do dogs break their toilet training?

Housetraining can be a challenging part of training a new puppy, but with plenty of reward and effort on our part we can achieve good results relatively quickly in most cases. However, sometimes adult dogs who we assume to be completely housetrained will suddenly surprise us by urinating indoors in the most surprising of circumstances. … Read more