Does my dog have Lyme disease?

What is Lyme disease? With Spring here, warmer weather and longer days mean we can look forward to spending more time outside with our dogs. It also signals the start of tick season. Ticks are small spider-like parasites that live in long grass and undergrowth, waiting for animals to pass and cling onto before feeding … Read more

Breed post: Weimaraner

For this month’s breed post we have the affectionate and beautiful Weimaraner. Often nicknamed Silver Ghosts, or Gray Ghosts, due to their silvery coats and striking blue and grey eyes, this handsome breed will definitely make you do a double take. Originating from Germany, the Weimaraner was bred to serve as a hunting dog to … Read more

Choosing your puppy

Are you thinking about getting a puppy? If you have children that love the idea of a cute and fluffy puppy, or simply want a dog that is going to bond and have a long life with you, then getting a puppy can seem ideal. However, puppies are far more demanding than adult dogs at … Read more

Leads for dogs

There are a lot of different types of leads to choose from and with different purposes. Regular leads are typically sold for different sizes of dog (small, medium and large) and are designed to allow the dog to walk freely at heel. They will allow the dog to walk just outside of your stride but … Read more

Breed Post: Yorkshire Terrier

For this month’s breed post, we have the Yorkshire terrier. One of the smallest breeds in the world, the Yorkshire terrier, or Yorkie as they’re more commonly known, may be very small in size but they’re large in personality. Originally bred to catch rodents in mines, they were also used in hunting to burrow underground … Read more

E numbers and dog food: a mythbuster

There’s a common misconception that all E numbers are bad. How many times have you heard ‘full of E numbers’ used as a negative phrase? But take a closer look at these ‘food additives’ and the picture becomes quite different. It’s right to practice caution, of course, but it’s also important to understand what E … Read more

When does my dog have to be on a lead?

In the UK, there are certain situations where our legislation dictates that dogs must be kept on leads. For instance, it is an offence if your dog is not kept on a lead when directed to do so by an authorised officer, so you should always have a lead handy if you are out and … Read more

Large dog nutritional requirements

Large and giant breeds have different nutritional needs to smaller dogs throughout their lives, beginning as puppies where they have a much slower growth rate than small breeds. Feeding the wrong diet to these larger dogs during growth can cause skeletal disorders either through feeding too much (with the excessive calories affect their growth) or … Read more

Long journeys with your dog

Long journeys and dogs aren’t an obvious mix but the numbers of pet passports has continued to rise in the past few years (the numbers issued to vet practices rose from 70,000 to 128,000 between 2014 and 2015) and the UK pet travel market is also extremely healthy, so it seems that more and more … Read more

Breed Post: Irish Wolfhounds

To celebrate St Patrick’s Day on March 17th, we decided to do a special breed post about one of the most beautiful Irish breeds, the Irish wolfhound. Originally used for hunting wolves and elks, they are now sometimes used in Scotland for herding sheep. As one of the tallest and heaviest breeds in the world, … Read more