Antisocial dog behaviour: what to do and how to prevent it

In the past 2 years, almost half of the UK’s dogs have been threatened by another dog in a public space*, according to a recent survey we conducted. With 2.1 million people adding a dog to their family during lockdown**, public spaces are busier than ever and a third of people surveyed thought that the … Read more

How to stop dogs fighting

Schauser cross Jack Russell running on a muddy path, running towards the camera

With almost half of owners saying their dog has been threatened by another dog when out on a walk – and an equal number saying their dog has been barked at, growled at, or bitten by another dog*, there’s no doubt there’s a problem when it comes to canine social interactions. If you’re wondering how … Read more

Can dogs eat eggs?

can dogs eat eggs

Remember the #DogEggChallenge on TikTok? Owners would place an egg in a dog’s mouth to see if they’d break it or not – with varying results! The challenge went viral and led to many of us asking –  is it safe to give dogs raw eggs? And we’re not just thinking about the carpet…  In … Read more

Should you walk your dog on a collar or a harness?

collar or harness?

We asked behaviourist and dog trainer Carolyn Menteith to share her thoughts on whether you should attach a dog’s lead to their collar – or to a harness. When you live with a dog, a key part of every single day will be your exercise time. Putting on your dog’s lead, getting out and spending … Read more

All about: your dog’s prey drive

do dogs have belly buttons

Your dog’s prey drive is part of many breeds’ natural instincts. We asked resident behaviourist, Carolyn Menteith, to explain where our dog’s prey drive comes from – and what to do if it becomes an issue. Back in the mists of time, the ancestors of our domestic dogs were wild animals. The dog and … Read more

Why does my dog hump things?

why does my dog hump things

If your dog gets a little bit too friendly with the sofa cushions – or even worse, your guests’ legs – it can really make you cringe. The good (sort of) news is, it’s totally normal and natural dog behaviour. Frustration expressed It’s the most obvious cause of this behaviour when you think about it. … Read more

What is the best dog food for large breed puppies?

Best dog food for large breed puppies

At, we love big dogs (we actually love all dogs, but this one is for the big breeds). These faithful companions are full of things that make them totally unique – and their food is key to making sure they grow up happy and healthy. So when your large breed puppy is growing, what … Read more

How To Choose A Responsible Breeder

why does my dog hump things

You’ve set your heart on a new puppy. It’s a very exciting time! But before you take the leap, let’s talk a bit about whether your puppy is right for you – and how to choose a responsible breeder. Puppies are brilliant, gorgeous and need a lot of attention. They grow pretty fast and demand … Read more

Dog theft – what you should do if your dog gets stolen

which shops are dog friendly

A sad fact of lockdown is that more and more dogs are being stolen, and that’s heartbreaking. We’re seeing too many Facebook notices and shoutouts, so we talked to our team of dog owners, behaviourists and of course, Head Vet Sean, to give you the latest lowdown on dog theft – what you can have … Read more