Can dogs eat bananas?

Picture this – you’re eating a delicious banana and Fido is staring up at you desperate for a bite. Should you, shouldn’t you… You find yourself wondering, can dogs eat bananas? Are they actually safe for my dog to eat? Well, the answer is yes, but only in moderation. If you’re serving any kind of … Read more

Can dogs eat exotic fruits?

can dogs eat exotic fruits

Fruit: that’s got to be good for your dog, right? The answer is yes and no. Exotic fruits contain lots of vitamins and antioxidants – great for dogs. But they can also have a high sugar content and cause digestive issues and other problems. Not so good. Our Lead Nutritionist, Dr Samantha Ware, explains which … Read more

Can dogs eat fruit?

les chiens peuvent-ils manger les fruits

When you think of a healthy diet, you probably imagine one packed with fresh fruit. That might be a winner for us, but it’s not quite the same for our dogs. So can dogs eat fruit? Well, fruit isn’t off the menu altogether – packed with vitamins, antioxidants and fibre, it can be a great … Read more