Why do dogs scratch?

Golden Retriever sitting on grass scratching ear

There’s nothing quite like a good scratch sometimes. But then there’s the kind of itch that drives you round the bend. The same goes for your dog. So when you see your dog scratch over and over again, it’s time to find out why.  Reasons your dog has itchy skin It’s best to find the … Read more

The 3 common causes of dog skin allergies

Dog skin allergies

Dog skin allergies can cause persistent itching and scratching, which can make any pup miserable. But while dog skin conditions are common, there are many possible causes. Weather extremes in the UK can wreak havoc on our pup’s skin. But dry, itchy or flaky skin is often caused by allergens in the environment and diet … Read more

Allergies in dogs

allergies in dogs

It’s never nice to see your dog uncomfortable or unwell – especially if you’re not sure what’s causing it, or how you can help them feel better. Allergies often fall into this category because they have lots of possible causes, and the symptoms can range from sneezes to hot spots. No wonder it’s so hard … Read more

Does my dog have a food allergy?

does my dog have a food allergy

They’re itching, they’re nibbling, their skin is looking a bit raw…their gas can clear a room. Ouch! If this sounds like your dog, let’s get sleuthing, because the answer could lie in their food bowl. Like humans, dogs can be allergic or intolerant to particular foods. Only 10% of all allergies in dogs are food-related … Read more