How to stop your dog pulling on the lead

laisse chien

When your dog constantly pulls on the lead it can turn a leisurely walk into a battle of wills. If you feel like your walks are suffering, we’ve got some good news – these training tips are right by your side. Armed with these and a little love and patience you can show your dog … Read more

Leads for dogs

There are a lot of different types of leads to choose from and with different purposes. Regular leads are typically sold for different sizes of dog (small, medium and large) and are designed to allow the dog to walk freely at heel. They will allow the dog to walk just outside of your stride but … Read more

When does my dog have to be on a lead?

In the UK, there are certain situations where our legislation dictates that dogs must be kept on leads. For instance, it is an offence if your dog is not kept on a lead when directed to do so by an authorised officer, so you should always have a lead handy if you are out and … Read more