Can dogs eat bananas?

Picture this – you’re eating a delicious banana and Fido is staring up at you desperate for a bite. Should you, shouldn’t you… You find yourself wondering, can dogs eat bananas? Are they actually safe for my dog to eat? Well, the answer is yes, but only in moderation. If you’re serving any kind of … Read more

Cleo’s Chicken & Apple Balls from The Happy Dog Cookbook!

Cocker Spaniel licking lips with bowl of Cleo's chicken and apple balls in front

Named after Cleo the Maltipoo (a total foodie fusspot, owned by Annabel’s daughter Lara), this recipe is simple, yummy, and straight from The Happy Dog Cookbook – written by our Head Vet Sean and featuring Annabel Karmel.  If you’ve got a pooch even half as picky as Cleo, you’ll know just how hard it can … Read more

Guilt-Free Breakfast Bakes from The Happy Dog Cookbook!

We wrote a cookbook! Our Head Vet, Sean McCormack, has teamed up with family food expert Annabel Karmel to bring you The Happy Dog Cookbook with 24 recipes that are healthy, nutritious, and droolingly delicious, from hot pots and biscuit-y treats, to doggy birthday cakes – and yes, even Christmas Dinner. We thought we’d give … Read more

Dog stomach gurgling: what does it mean?

Black Labrador lying on floor looking at camera

If your cuddle time has ever been interrupted by a dog stomach gurgle, you may have wondered what all the noise was about.  Those tummy rumbles have various causes, and soft intermittent gurgles are perfectly normal. But sometimes gurgling can indicate a serious health issue. Below we reveal the common causes of dog stomach rumbling … Read more

Wild mushrooms: which ones are dangerous for dogs?

As autumn creeps in, mushrooms are aplenty. At this time of year, they’re popping up all over our favourite woodland walking spots and even in our garden. Which means as dog parents we need to be extra watchful – and teaching your dog to avoid all mushrooms with a simple ‘leave it’ command is the … Read more

What to do if your pooch has stinky dog poos

German Shepherd squatting over grass

Dog poo is a hot topic among owners. We know our dog’s poo can tell us a lot about their health and wellbeing. But since our canine friends can’t talk to us, it’s our job to pay attention to the signs. Because when poor Fido has a case of dog diarrhoea, we know something’s not … Read more

A guide to changing dog food

Dog diet

Some dogs take to new food like a duck to water. Others look at you as if you’re actually trying to harm them. They take one sniff and it’s major pup attitude, leaving you with wasted food – and a guilty conscience. But before you give up, start filling them up with treats, or serving … Read more

Can dogs eat avocado?

Avocados are a popular nutritious snack. Although they offer lots of benefits for us, what about our furry friends? It can be tempting to cut your dog a sneaky slice at the breakfast table. But before you do, there are a few important facts to bear in mind.  While dogs can technically eat avocado, it … Read more