‘PUP ROCK’ – UK’s most popular dog breeds’ favourite music genres revealed

As a canine behaviour expert reveals that many dog’s music preferences mirror their owners Have you ever questioned if your dog were a person, who their favourite artist would be? Would they be a ‘Hairy Styles’ fan? Or perhaps they’d like a taste of ‘Motley Chew’?  Well, with almost 1,000 people every month Googling ‘do … Read more

Let’s talk about: stress in dogs

stress in dogs

Carolyn Menteith is a behaviourist at tails.com with over 25 years of experience working with and training dogs. Life can be tough for our dogs. We expect so much from them – in fact being a family dog is the hardest job we ever ask a dog to do.  While working dogs usually live with … Read more

Dog 101 for parents and children

dog 101 for parents and children

The numbers of dogs in the UK have soared since lockdown, and now it’s estimated there are 12.5 million dogs in the country, with a third of all households owning at least one.  This means all children will come into contact with dogs at some time. This could be at home, when visiting friends and … Read more

How do dogs know their names?

can dogs see in the dark

When you call your faithful companion to your side, they will often run up to you, tail wagging and eyes alert (unless their’s something really interesting like a ball, or another dog or something else that has them engrossed). Because of this, we can deduce that dogs know their names, but how do they work … Read more

Is my dog in pain?

is my dog in pain

There is nothing worse than the thought of our best friend being in pain and them not being able to tell us about it. We love our pets and would do anything for them, so the thought of our dogs being in any sort of discomfort can be quite upsetting. What’s more, dogs have been … Read more

Why does my dog lick my feet after a shower?

why does my dog lick my feet after a shower

It can be a very regular occurrence in many homes. You’ve soaked yourself under some warm water. You’ve lathered, rinsed and repeated, and when you step out of the shower and head to put some clothes on, there’s that familiar feeling of a cold, wet nose and a licking tongue at your feet. But why … Read more

Why do my dog’s eyes water?

why do my dog's eyes water

When we see our pet pooch’s eyes watering, it’s a natural thing to be worried as we’d associate that sort of thing with crying and that’s something we do when we’re upset or injured. Thankfully though, when a dog has watery eyes, it doesn’t mean that anything has hurt them, but there are plenty of … Read more

Why does my dog rub their bum on the floor?

why does my dog rub their bum on the floor

While it may initially be a bit of a comic sight, seeing your dog dragging its bottom across the floor, doing that little scoot along with its hind legs in the air, it may not prove funny in the long run. Why does your dog rub its bum on the floor and is this actually … Read more

Why does my dog take food out of their bowl to eat it?

why does my dog take food out of their bowl to eat

We go to all of that trouble to set our dog’s place for dinner, cleaning their bowl, filling their water, giving them just the right amount of nutritious food… If we could, we’d put a sprig of parsley on top! But some dogs will take that food from their bowl, place it on the floor, … Read more