Can dogs eat bananas?

Picture this – you’re eating a delicious banana and Fido is staring up at you desperate for a bite. Should you, shouldn’t you… You find yourself wondering, can dogs eat bananas? Are they actually safe for my dog to eat? Well, the answer is yes, but only in moderation. If you’re serving any kind of treat to your dog, always be sure to adjust the quantities of normal food so they don’t consume additional calories. 

Bananas are packed with vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for both us and our furry friends. But before you share your fruity snack, there are a few things you should know first. 

Is banana good for dogs? 

Bananas are a natural source of potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6. And because they’re high in fibre, they can be great for dogs with gastrointestinal upset. High magnesium levels not only support healthy bones, they also help the body absorb vitamins more efficiently. 

But the benefits don’t stop there. Because bananas are low in salt and cholesterol, they’re a healthy alternative to many fatty, salty shop-bought treats. 

However, since bananas are sugary, they’re best served as an occasional treat. Too much sugar can cause a poorly tummy, and can even lead to obesity.  

Important note: Never feed your dog banana peel. Although not toxic to dogs, they’re tough and difficult to digest. The peel could cause an intestinal blockage that would require a surgical procedure. 

How to feed your dog banana

To ensure you’re not overdoing it, it’s a good idea to consult your vet before introducing new foods. Your vet will know how much you can safely feed your individual dog without any negative health risks.

When you get the go ahead, there are a number of ways you can feed banana. Besides the obvious of slicing and feeding, you can: 

  • Mash and stuff into a Kong or puzzle feeder.
  • Dice and add to their normal food for extra flavour. 
  • Slice and freeze for a refreshing treat. 
  • Mash together with a little natural, xylitol-free peanut butter.

What fruits can dogs eat? 

You can serve a range of fruits to your dog as a nutritious snack. But it’s important to know some varieties can cause digestive issues and some are even toxic to dogs. 

Everyday fruits such as apples (without pips), blueberries, pears, peaches and plums are perfectly safe for your dog to eat. But avoid grapes, raisins and currants as these are poisonous. Discover the range of safe and unsafe fruits to feed your dog

You can also add exotic fruits to the menu for an added nutrient boost to your dog’s diet. It’s always a good idea to stick with small servings first. Melon, coconut or mango are all safe options to feed your dog. 

When feeding any fruit, always remove the seeds, pips or stones, as well as any tough rind or skin before serving. And to avoid any tummy troubles, introduce a small piece of each fruit one at a time. If your dog has no issues, you can try a second variety, then a third and so on.  

Remember: treats count to! Get to know everything about dog weight management and why it is important.

2 thoughts on “Can dogs eat bananas?”

  1. What if my dog eats banana peel? I think banana peel is not safe for dogs as it can cause an issue in their digestive system. What can I do in that kind of situation?

    • Hi Josaph, if you’re ever concerned that your dog has eaten something they shouldn’t have, we’d advise contacting your vet immediately and having them checked over to be sure they are safe. Best wishes


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