Can dogs eat fruit?

When you think of a healthy diet, you probably imagine one packed with fresh fruit. That might be a winner for us, but it’s not quite the same for our dogs.

So can dogs eat fruit? Well, fruit isn’t off the menu altogether – packed with vitamins, antioxidants and fibre, it can be a great snack option for our four-legged friends. But it’s also high in sugar, moderation is key for long term weight control. Plus, some fruits can upset your dog’s digestive system – or worse – so it’s important to know your stuff before you stock up the fruit bowl.

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What fruit can dogs eat?

When prepared the right way, some fruits can be a tasty, healthy snack for dogs. Fruit dogs can eat include:

  1. Can dogs eat apples?

You bet. High in fibre and low in fat, apples make a delicious doggy snack. Only serve the skin and flesh though, as apple pips contain traces of cyanide, a substance that’s toxic to dogs (and humans – but we’re big enough to tolerate the amount in an apple pip or two).

2. Can dogs eat banans?

Rich in potassium and carbohydrates, bananas bring a lot to the nutrition table. But they also contain high levels of sugar so serve sparingly, or incorporate them into a dog-friendly recipe.

3. Can dogs eat blueberries, blackberries and raspberries?

High in vitamins C, E and K, and packed with antioxidants like anthocyanin, berries are great nutritional all-rounders. Blueberries contain good levels of B vitamins like folate and B6 too, while blackberries are a great source of potassium and magnesium. Meanwhile, raspberries are sweet, without being too calorific – great for dogs on a weight management diet.

4. Can dogs eat strawberries?

These Wimbledon favourites are full of health-boosting antioxidants. But strawberries are also higher in sugar than other berries, so it’s important to serve them in small amounts. Fresh and frozen are the same nutritionally, so see what your dog prefers.

5. Can dogs eat pears?

Full of vitamin C, and packed with fibre, pears are another safe snack option. But as with apples, it’s important to remove the cyanide-carrying pips before putting a pear anywhere near your dog’s bowl.

6. Can dogs eat tomatoes?

Tomatoes are refreshing and full of vitamins, and are safe to serve in moderation. But it’s important to wait until they’re fully ripe, as tomatoes contain low levels of solanine, a poisonous compound which can affect the digestive and nervous system. The levels of toxin decline as the fruit ripens.

7. Can dogs eat apricots, peaches and plums?

These squishy summer fruits are fine to give your dog, but the stone is poisonous, so never serve them whole. All three are bursting with antioxidants – like chlorogenic acid – and are rich in vitamins C,E,K, as well as B vitamins and potassium.

Can dog's eat fruit?

Which fruits are harmful to dogs?

While lots of fruit can play a part in a healthy dog diet, others are a complete no-go. Fruits you shouldn’t feed your dog include:

1.Citrus fruits

Oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit are all worth avoiding. The citrus extract is extracted for its antioxidant properties and therefore lacks the essential oils and the Psoralen (toxic compound) which means that it can be used in the food without negatively impacting the dog as well as being added in a very small quantity. The whole citrus fruit can cause some digestive upset if fed in large quantity.

2. Grapes, raisins and currants

Nobody knows quite why these fruits are so dangerous for dogs – the leading theory is that they can contain traces of a mould that’s toxic to dogs. Whatever the cause, they’ve been linked to symptoms as severe as kidney failure, so they’re definitely best avoided.

3. Other dried fruit

When fruit is dried, the sugars get concentrated – that makes dried fruits like dates, figs and apricots too high in sugar for dogs. The fresh versions are mostly OK, except grapes, which are harmful to dogs however they’re prepared.

4. Hedgerow berries

While some berries are nutrient-packed and safe for dogs, a lot of the ones you’ll see on your summer walks are far less friendly. Rowan, holly, juniper and elderberries are all harmful or poisonous, so if you see your dog making a beeline for a berry-dotted hedge, intervene.

Related blog: What foods are harmful to dogs?

How can I introduce fruit into my dog’s diet?  

As with any food you introduce to your dog, slow and steady is the best approach. Top tips for adding fruit to your dog’s diet include:

1.Make sure it’s dog-friendly

Before giving a new fruit to your four-legged friend, it’s a good idea to double-check it’s on the list of foods dogs can eat. There are lots of exceptions and serving points to remember so even if you think you know, it’s always worth another look.

2. Check for mold

Only let your dog eat fruit that’s fresh – mouldy fruit is as bad for dogs as it is for us. If you have fruit trees, keep your dog away at harvest time so they don’t accidentally eat any spoilt or infested fruit that’s fallen on the ground.

3. Prepare it carefully

Thoroughly wash or remove the peel from any fruit you’ll be giving your dog – just as you would if you were eating it yourself.

4. Introduce it gradually

Even if a food is safe to give your dog, serving a bowlful straight away can lead to an upset stomach. To avoid any unpleasant reactions, give your dog a small piece to try, then increase to a snack-size amount over time.

5. Serve in moderation

Fruit can be good for your dog in small quantities, but serving too much can have the opposite effect. Be especially careful with high-sugar fruits like strawberries and bananas. Get to know everything about dog weight management and why it is important. 

Got a question about serving fruit to your dog? Unsure what dogs can eat safely? Our vet and nutritionist team knows their apples from their oranges, and are always happy to help. Get in touch at 

33 thoughts on “Can dogs eat fruit?”

  1. Hi, I have taken you up on your free offer of dog kibble, could I ask do you use anything in your foods to prevent tear stains as Burns do? If you do how do I change my order to have this included in my girls kibble?

  2. Thank you so much for this article! I already tried to feed my Happy fruits several times, but unfortunately he just does not seem to like them. Maybe it were the wrong fruits… I will definitely try introducing it like you recommended above!

  3. My dog Douglas eats blackberries, starting from now until they run out. He also eats baby plums, stone and all. The stones appear after a while though. He. Any get enough of them so I have to put him on a lead when we walk that way!!

  4. My dog loves cucumber! In summer months I chop some up & put in her wet food. Gives her nice breath too ?
    I think she prefers veggies to meat too. Can you get a vegetarian dog ?? ?

  5. My dog loves oranges although I have just read they are not good for dogs. She is able to smell them from a great distance and really enjoys a small amount when she has been off her food which obviously seems such an anomilie.

  6. My girls, I’ve just discovered, also like cucumber. My neighbour drops them in from his allotment and they thought they weren’t missing out, so I chopped a piece for each, expecting their noses to turn up but both really liked it !!

  7. HenryPasha loves all fruit, vegetables and salad apart from leaves, onions and mushrooms. He has an amazing constitution, hardly anything seems to upset his tummy

    • Onions are Lethal to dogs. Btw just so you should know. You need to look up what you give you dog. You could be killing it.

      • Yes do not give your dog onions! I’m on here to find out what I can give my pup, but always have known onion is lethal to them. I hope you don’t give it anymore.

  8. My dog loves cucumber, carrots, brocoli storks, tomatoes occasionally, small bit of banana occasionally but mainly sticks to his dog food but seems to prefer the wet food to the kibble. He also hungers for bread but only very occasionally and gluten free as he is wheat and grain free. His favourite meat is salmon or cooked cod or haddock he loves that. Everyone knows their own dog and he has two meals a day with veggies as treats in between and a

  9. Hello Ellie,
    I have two pet dogs. I Spent a lot of time to take care of them. I am always researching about dog foods for their good health. My dog eat pears and some other fruits but he like to eat Pears.

    Thanks for the article and keep posting on this topic.

  10. Great source of information for Dog lovers!! I personally feel too that Fruits are good for your dogs as it provides them with essential Nutrients and Fiber they need. This article itself walks you through the do’s and don’t which is just great. Here is another good site to visit

  11. I recently adopted an 8 year old GSD and I already noticed she likes to pick up and eat fallen fruits – Damsons, small plums or greengages, apparently discarding the stones and apples. She will eat Blueberries and I know they are good for her. Blackberries are coming into season and she may well find some accessible on her walks. This morning, I dropped a green seedless grape and she snaffled it up, which led me to remind myself which fruits are good or bad for her. Grapes are top of the Bad list, so I shall be careful in future, but presumably, one grape will not make a large dog ill.

  12. Absolutely epic guide Dogs Eat Raspberries! Managed to go into enough detail without making it seem too complicated. Seriously love how well you can tap into the beginner mindset even with your experience level.

    Love it!

  13. Hey there! As a fellow dog lover, I found your article on whether or not dogs can eat fruit really helpful. It’s true that we often assume that what’s healthy for us is also healthy for our furry companions, but that’s not always the case. It’s important to remember that dogs have different nutritional needs and limitations than we do, and it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

    I appreciated how you pointed out that while fruit can be a great source of vitamins and antioxidants for dogs, it’s also high in sugar, which can be a concern for their weight and overall health. Moderation is definitely key, and it’s important to know which fruits are safe and which ones can cause digestive issues or even be toxic to dogs. Your article has given me a better understanding of what fruits I can safely give to my dog as a treat, and I’m sure it will help other dog owners as well. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

  14. It’s great to read that I can try giving my dog some of these fruits as I was curious about plums. We have a plum tree and I’ll need to be sure to remove the pits before given them to our german shepherd. Thank you for this info.


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