10 Tips To Get Your Puppy Ready For The World

Your brand-new bundle of fur and joy is home – now what? Being a new puppy owner is certainly busy and full of ups and downs. Whether you’re a first timer or an old hand, this puppy raising business means you’ll have your hands full for a while. 

From socialisation to puppy food, getting them to go to bed, learning to sit, stay – and come back – we all want our puppies to grow up into a healthy, happy and socialised dog.

When there’s so much to think about, we spoke to head vet Sean to find out his top 10 tips to get your puppy ready for the world. Are you ready?

Training basics

Start off with teaching your puppy their name – then focus on recall, sit, and stay. We teamed up with qualified behaviourist, Diane from Superhounds, for a series of super simple videos that you can use at home.

The right food

Proper nutrition is key to keeping your puppy happy and healthy. Their food should have easily-digestible protein (perfect for sensitive stomachs) to support muscle growth, and essential fatty acids like Omega-3 for healthy brain development and super puppy vision. As well as the right veggies and carbs!

Finding the right food can be tricky – that’s why at tails.com, we take the guesswork away, leaving you with more time to enjoy your new puppy. 

A proper routine

From mealtimes to regular walks, a good routine will set you – and your puppy – up for success. Not only will it help them to feel settled in their new home, but it will help you feel confident, too.

Toilet training

The first couple of weeks can be tough – prepare yourself for lots of accidents indoors whilst you nail down toilet training. Taking your new puppy outside regularly will get them used to a proper toilet routine: we’ve got some tips on toilet training from behaviourist Diane here.

Lots of sleep

For you and for them! Head vet Sean recommends crate training if you can – it will give them a safe space to relax in and set up those all-important boundaries between the two of you. 

Socialisation is key

Once their jabs are done, you’ll want to head out to the park to burn off some of that puppy energy – this means introducing lots of new sounds and smells they might not be used to yet. 

Making sure they interact with other dogs (and humans) is really important to build their confidence whilst you’re out and about. Puppy classes can provide a space for your puppy to experience lots of new things – all under the watchful eye of a professional.

Keeping them safe

It’s a legal requirement for all dogs to be microchipped once they’re 8 weeks old – and once they’re able to go out for walks, they should be wearing a collar with a tag including:

  • Your name
  • Contact number
  • Address

Head vet Sean recommends not putting your puppy’s name on their tag – if the worst did happen, it could help potential thieves call your dog over to them.

Vet trips

In the first year of their life, your puppy is going to need regular vet visits – whether it be for general health checks, or for vaccinations. Getting your puppy used to the vet will benefit them in the long run, so come armed with lots of treats and positive reinforcement.

The first groom

Some breeds need regular grooming – which can be a scary experience for any new puppy! Most groomers will offer a special first-time session where they get to know your dog, and start off with simple things like a quick trim around the face and clipping their nails.

Just like the vet, make sure you’ve got lots of treats to reward them for a job well done.

Dealing with separation anxiety

Getting your puppy used to being left alone is an important part of their early training. It can be tough – nobody likes to hear their dog cry – but it’s really key to establish those boundaries from a young age. Start off slow by leaving them for just a few minutes at a time, before building it up. Having them crate trained can really help by giving them a safe space to rest when you’re not there.

It’s not easy being a brand-new puppy owner, but it’s totally worth it in the end! We’ve got tons of resources here – from nutritional advice to training videos – and remember, your vet or vet nurse is always there to help, too.

Good luck!

16 thoughts on “10 Tips To Get Your Puppy Ready For The World”

  1. Our puppy Labrador is six months old, but we’re finding it very difficult to get her to socialise with other people. She gets so excited ( even on a lead) and jumps up them and mouths them. On a lead she walks nicely and sits at the kerb without being asked. Her recall is good, when off lead and she loves playing with other dogs.

    • That’s a tricky one – the best option is to speak to a behaviourist to nip it in the bud whilst she’s still young! Good luck

  2. Coco is having a problem with being left even when I am still in the home and only go to the bathroom she will cry and wet her self

  3. My Yorker poo is not eating her wet food I’m wondering if she just had preference to different flavours and textures do I continue with different or go back to the chicken and rice pate one she likes she will only eat her kibble when we are walking I think she thinks there treats but she loves it but not in a bowl is it me making her this way .

  4. Hi my Cockerpoo Dottie is 10 months old and so very good BUT she won’t do a poo at bedtime but prefers to do it on the kitchen floor during the night/early hours as a gift for me!!!! She used to do it occasionally but now it more than occasionally!!!!! She gets fed at 4pm so should have emptied her bowels – HELP

  5. Hi, we have a 19 week old working cocker spaniel called Scooby. He is very good; he has managed 3 weeks to date with no toilet accidents, he will actually come and tell us he needs the loo; he sleeps all night; he is great off lead, good recall, fetch; very sociable with people and dogs. So I hear you ask what is the problem; well he pulls on his lead like a husky sigh a sled. I’ve tried a wooden spoon with peanut butter and letting him lick it when he walks beside me, I’ve tried megapraise when he walks well, Ive tried treats when he walks well. It all goes great when the treats are there but as soon as I try to stretch out the timing of treats it all falls apart. Any suggestions.

  6. I can spend around an hour outside waiting for my 16 week old springer spaniel puppy Elba to have a wee or poo. When I’m cold and needing a wee myself I go inside and she wees on or near her pad. I do keep repeating myself to her by saying “have a wee wee, hurry up” my neighbours must think I’m crazy or lost my mind. Can you suggest any help please?

  7. Had Tink for 5 days now , she’s a Malti-poo and just 1kg in weight . She’s not really eating very much but I’m putting that down to settling in with us as she’s only 9 weeks old . Does anyone know how to treat tear staining ? It seems to be getting worse ! Her eyes aren’t runny and there’s no discharge and I clean them with a tear stain eye wipe and powder but it doesn’t seem to be doing much . Any ideas would be greatly appreciated .
    Her hair is well out of her eyes too .

    • Hi Nat, tears (and saliva) contain a naturally occurring chemical called porphyrin which is transparent, but when it dries it then turns a reddish brown colour which is what will be causing your pups fur to stain. Generally it’s nothing to worry about, and is more of a cosmetic problem but our Customer and Nutrition team would be happy to see if there’s anything we can adjust in her blend to help here – just pop us an email to hello@tails.com with your details and we can take a closer look.

  8. How often should I be feeding my 10 week old miniature poodle.
    On the packaging it says 1 scoop setting C-3 per day. I thought I should be feeding him more than once a day

    • Hi Charlene, we’d advise 3-4 feeds per day or whatever works best for your pup (split his C-3 scoop between these meals). Just remember to keep updating his weight each day so that we can adjust his portions as he grows. If you need more help with this, just pop our Customer team an email at hello@tails.com with your details.


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